The A-Fund support all anarchists around the world in troubles caused by their political action.
Donate yearly 20€ and become part of the team that makes decisions on requests for support.
Spread the word about the A-Fund and make us known in your region and networks.
How work the A-Fund
We are an anarchist collective solidarity structure. A dedicated staff is responsible for keeping the structure running. A team of decision-makers is responsible for evaluating the proposals that reach the Fund. Anyone who makes an annual donation to the Fund can be part of this team.
Who can apply for support?
The basic conditions are that we help anarchists who have suffered consequences as a result of their activism, or people who suffered because they were involved in anarchist activities, without being anarchists themselves.
Our Blog
Latest post
Internationale Woche der Solidarität mit Anarchistischen Gefangenen 2022 // 23.-30. August
From Die Tatsache, dass Kapitalismus nicht auf unsere Bedürfnisse, sondern auf Profit ausgerichtet ist, zeigt sich in…
Aufruf zur Internationalen Woche der Solidarität mit Anarchistischen Gefangenen 23. – 30. August 2021
Es existiert eine fundamentale Lüge in der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft. Ein Versprechen, das niemals wahr wird. Das Versprechen der…
Our website is back!
Welcome to our new website of the International Anarchist Defence Fund (A-Fund). As you can see we changed…
We are endorsed by
As an anarchist structure we support an idea of a defense fund with horizontal structure. First of all, because anarchists are always in a risk group and at the same time many other organizations are not supporting them during repressions. Second, because it gives a chance to anyone in our movement to not only rely on existed structures, but to be involved in solidarity directly. We wish a success of A-fund as a structure, an idea and an experiment.
Infoladen Samizdat
(Leipzig, Germany)
We are proud to be part of the decision-making crew of the IADF. Their process is very simple and transparent, it’s direct support here and now. Structures like IADF are also of great help to groups like ours, we can ask them for financial support or forward local activists to the A-Fund if we are experiencing hard times. Don’t hesitate and donate!
Анархический черный крест Беларусь
In a world where our enemies are global and are internationally organized, it’s extremely important that we the anarchist are as well. IADF is a key organization in this idea and a tremendous help for organizations and struggles are around the globe. Do not hesitate to join the fund and participate in the coming projects.