Our website is back!

Welcome to our new website of the International Anarchist Defence Fund (A-Fund). As you can see we changed our server, which was not been easy but here we are. Thanks a lot to the comrades from systemausfall for their support in this situation.

We are very sorry for the delay, but like many of you we are also activists in our regions were we live and we face the same difficulties as any other activist, as well as the needs of life.

But we have to say a couple of things:

  • We have never stopped completely. The A-Fund has continued to receive contributions as well as requests. And we have also added some new members to our team.
  • Our new web is working (obviously, if you reading here in our site), but we still have to update the content of the old blog. If you are looking for some previous news that you can’t find here, please check out the backup in the: archive.org
  • The same applies to the versions of this website in other languages. We will update them gradually as we can. Information in other languages is also available at archive.org
  • Social Network will be also update very soon.

The A-Fund is still active and need your donation and help to support our comrades in need around the world.

¡Viva la anarquía!

-- A-Fund crew

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