Update from A-fund

Greetings and solidarity in these difficult times! With this text we seek to provide an explanation of the hiatus this project appeared to be on the last few years.

A-Fund has publicly existed since 2018, and since then, we have helped over 30 people and groups resisting the weight of state repression. You can see the timeline of supported cases here (work in progress) :


Around 2020, we lost access to the old website afund.antirep.net for reasons external to us. We also lost access to some of the social media accounts that were registered with the email on antirep.net servers.

Right now, the official website address is afund.info. Please use this web address if you publish anything from or about us and change the website address if you had it listed on your online resources. Some people have our banners on their websites, please make sure you change the link to which the banner directs your users.

We also lost access to our accounts on:

Twitter: https://x.com/defence_fund

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IntAnarchistDefenceFund

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anarchist_defence_fund/

Telegram: https://t.me/anarchistfundinternational

Our current working media platforms:

Mastodon https://mastodon.social/@anarchistfund

Twitter https://twitter.com/Anarchist_Fund

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/anarchistdefencefund/

We are planning to recreate Twitter, Telegram and Instagram accounts in English and announce it on the blog. Stay tuned. We also transferred all of our crypto money to new e-wallets so make sure you check out this page before you make a new donation. https://afund.info/donate/

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